After Graduating from the (AUAS) Amsterdam University of Applied sciences in 2019, contemporary Designer Oscar Greve (1994) founded Atelier Oscar Greve in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
AOG explores the uncharted space that can be found between on one side Art and Design on the other. The challenge lays in how co-existance of these two disciplines can be implemented in one single object where Design takes on the role of functionality and Art engages with the challange of translating social relevances into a tangible manifestation.
Not only society inspires us to come up with new ideas, also nature triggers our senses and echos deep into our feelings. In an era in which our identities seem to slowly blur into transhumansim, we inevitably drift away further from nature. We feel the duty to re-establish this connection through our works and creations.
Lives & expo's
Dutch Design Week | Group exhibition, Sectie C Hall 10, Eindoven, The Netherlands
Atelier Oscar Greve
Address | Ophelialaan 230, 1431HS Aalsmeer, the Netherlands
Phone | +31 (0) 624 345 592
Email |